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When I am working with artists, some of the the most common questions I get are on the topic of gear. Below you will find my recommendations for budget recording and production gear. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Take care and have fun!
3 amazing Free Compressor plugins
Available in all formats
Klanghelm MJUCjr - A tube style compressor with simple controls and a fantastic analog sound
TDR Kotelnicov - A solid Compressor with a wide range of controls. - Great Bus Compressor
Klanghelm DC1A - A transparent compressor with simple controls. I love it on Acoustics and Over heads
Awesome budget mics!: SE X1 Series
sE Electronics is a wonderful brand of recording microphones that deliver professional sound at affordable prices. sE has an entire line of microphones dubbed the “X1” that are designed for home studios. My personal favorite is the X1s
Free Analog (style) EQ PLUGIN!
Tokyo Dawn is a great plugin company that makes a wide range of free plugins. One of their best plugins is the Slick EQ. The Slick EQ is a three-band parametric EQ that has been modeled after 4 classic hardware units. The sound is awesome and it is very easy to use. Be sure to check out their full line of products. TokyoDawn
High Quality, Budget friendly Interfaces: Audient
Audient is easily the best value in audio interfaces today. With the “ID” line you get world class preamps and converters that would cost you multiple times more to get any other way. In every model you get the same preamp that is used in their large recording consoles. In Additional, every model but the iD4 includes Converters from one of the top names in the industry, Bur Brown. At $100 less, the iD4 would make a great first audio interface.